by Norm Miller

NAGYKANIZSA, 匈牙利(TMNews) -通过匈牙利Truett-McConnell学院高年级学生的英语课, four locals found new life through salvation in Jesus Christ.

Ministering June 19–30 in Nagykanizsa, Hungary, the team saw salvific results early, with two teen-aged girls voicing prayers of repentance from sin, and of commitment of their lives to Christ.

“God worked in a mighty way, and two girls at the English camp made Jesus their Lord and Savior,” said Danny Rice.


Gathering his classmate, Meagan Taylor, and an interpreter, Rice and Taylor explained what each bead on the bracelet signified.

“After the white bead, I asked the girls if they wanted to receive Christ, 其中一个说她不确定,因为她认识很多“宗教”人士, and they still do bad things,” Rice said.

“Thankfully, God gave me the words to say, 然后她和她的朋友知道他们想和上帝建立个人关系,” Rice said.

On the team’s last day in Hungary, 学生们会见了另一个来自阿肯色州教堂的宣教小组,他们将继续ESL(英语作为第二语言)课程, as the TMC team moved on to Thailand for ministry, there.

During the first week of the class, 加入赖斯和泰勒的还有另外四名特鲁特-麦康奈尔学院的大四学生:布兰登·多尔西, Leighton Eldridge, Sarah Fitzsimons and Daniel Gentry.

At a Bible study on the last evening in Hungary, 其中一名翻译深信自己的信仰,并将自己的生命献给了基督, 一个ESL的学生正在祷告相信耶稣是她的救主和主, Rice reported.
接下来的几分钟充满了喜悦,人们分享他们现在如何看到上帝如何在我们在那里的整个过程中,在翻译的心中通过他们的谈话来工作,” Rice said.

“这些女孩中最小的一个听到福音后说,她需要考虑一下,并希望第二天再讨论这个问题,” recalled Daniel Gentry. “By the time she came back for evening activities, 她已经认基督为她的主和救主,并且兴高采烈地告诉我们. It was her profession that God used to lead the other to Christ.”

The young convert had just met the Lord, and in a matter of hours, God was using her testimony to influence others, Gentry said. “It was a reminder that God can use little children for His purposes; and, often times, we may not even know when God is using us.”

其中一位新信徒告诉Gentry,她“在过去的一个月里,有一种奇怪的欲望想要读圣经,感觉她在寻找什么。. 她带着自信、平静和喜悦,微笑着说:“我找到了.’ What a declaration of faith and belief,” Gentry said.

Reflecting on the ESL ministry and his classmates, 金特里说:“我从未见过一个团队如此团结一致地分享福音, 还有一群常驻传教士,他们非常支持分享福音. 从来没有人建议我们等一等再分享福音,或者选择一个“更好”的时间. 我们与传教士们在一起的时光对所有人来说都是真正的祝福,因为我们在基督里互相建立和鼓励.”

Second time around

Dr. Ed Pruitt——Truett-McConnell的世界宣教中心主任和基督教研究副教授——去年春天带领一个团队在一个由国际宣教会传教士组织的ESL课程中工作, Paul Tena Brock.

特鲁埃-麦康奈尔学院强调向失丧的世界传福音,这是我们认真对待的使命,” Pruitt said. “把英语作为第二语言教学是我们训练学生向别人传讲耶稣的许多方法之一. To have a hosting team like Paul and Tena Brock, whose hearts beat for the lost in Hungary, was a hand-in-glove fit as we all ministered together, again.”

保罗·布洛克说:“我们很高兴特鲁埃特-麦康奈尔大学的学生再次与我们合作. “From their visit last year, 我们知道他们会做好充分的准备,并且是非常积极的学生.”

“This group was the ‘A’ team. We could not have chosen better,” Brock added. “这些大学生非常开放,为匈牙利学生树立了好榜样. 他们在基督里的生命是如此的明亮——我们知道,参加夏令营的44名学生中的每一个人都看到了与基督的个人关系的充实.”

“Tena and I could not be more elated. 我们赞美神使用这些年轻人以清晰的方式照亮基督,匈牙利人也能看到. 我们只希望他们中的一些人能很快回来帮助我们。. “他们不仅是匈牙利人的福气,也是特纳和我的福气.”

“我们感谢特鲁埃-麦康奈尔学院拥有这样的世界视野,渴望并创造了一种方式,让年轻的美国信徒向美国以外的其他人讲述他们的转变故事,” Brock said. “这对我们的工作是一个真正的推动,让基督徒年轻人表明与我们的救主的关系远远不仅仅是老年人的‘宗教’。.”


Continuing conviction

“匈牙利非常需要福音,因为可能只有百分之一的人口是真正重生的信徒,” Gentry said. “天主教使许多人产生了一种基于工作的虚假安全感,而共产主义则通过彻底拒绝上帝的存在而摧毁了许多人.”

“也许到目前为止,最大的信念领域是意识到我与迷失的灵魂的有限互动,” Gentry said. “看到IMB传教士建立的关系,我真的很有信心, 然而,我担心,回国后又很容易恢复正常的银河网上中心. 我祈求主给我机会,让我与那些需要福音的人建立关系.”

金特里补充说,“医生不会把所有的时间都花在健康人身上, but rather most of his time at the office where the sick can be healed. Should we, who know the cure for the lostness of the world, not be ever searching for those who have no cure?”

Defining the mission

“While preparing my heart and mind for this trip, I really struggled with my own definition of the ‘mission field,’” Sarah Fitzsimons said. “I’ve known all along that the whole world is a mission field, 但我脑海里的画面总是尘土飞扬的道路上挤满了非洲小孩——主要是因为, up until now, I had only been on international trips to African countries.”

Noting that her definition reflected a “small vision of missions,” Fitzsimons said that, “after meeting the Hungarian people, God really began working on my heart in big ways, tearing down *my* view of missions, and redefining it, broadening it in a sense.”

“As I began to fall in love with the people of Nagykanizsa, 神告诉我,宣教场不是一个国家,也不是一个地理位置. The mission field is the people,” she said. “And when God said, ‘Go,’ He didn’t have a place in mind; God had people in mind.”


“We go wherever the people are,” Fitzsimons said. “Whether it’s Ethiopia, Rwanda, Hungary, or Thailand, the place isn’t really what matters, the people do.”

“上帝用这些宝贵的匈牙利人给我上了简单而有力的一课,”她说. “His heart is for people of all nations. God’s heart is for the world. John 3:16!”

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